Monday, January 19, 2009


自从我们的多媒体设计最大的日子170109过后,我的头脑就不停的想回以前我们的过去,打开电脑看回以前diploma 1st sem 到现在的照片,想回朋友怎样认识,想回有趣开心的事情,同一时间我与同班同学msn聊天,我们却谈起"我们没有机会在一起讨论功课了,不可能在熬夜赶功课了"在也没机会看到大家快乐的在上课聊天,也在没有的看到我们大家的funny动作了,每当我想到这些的回忆我的眼泪就不停的流在我面上,今天20109我还以为可以再看到我们大家一大班多一次,但你们却没有来,真可惜,我要拿我们的照片与video也很难了.因为没有上课,没有考试,没有老师,没有功课,没有读书的生活,没有机会和你们一起废废说笑了啦,今天最后一天到学校交功课然后回时跟朋友告别我也忍不住掉下几滴眼泪,我真的没用容易流泪,好丑~

loong - 谢谢你給个机会我成为你的室友,虽然你没有把我当作是你的兄弟这真的是我的遗憾不能了解你更多,但没关系也许有缘没份吧,希望我不只是一个路过的人,也许我是个路过的classmate or roomate,我也希望我的脚步与走过的痕迹都一直会流在你的脑海与心中.真的很想念大家撘巴士上课的时光, 然后,你真的让我改观很多,虽然你没有做任何的东西,但我从你那儿领悟到我以前的lala仔打扮与讲话态度与动作都很不好,然后还没办进来我喜欢techno bass的歌曲但我现在却喜欢了抒情歌曲了,虽然你们说我是lala仔与讲话容易得罪人但我也进力改了,也许没有没看到或我改进失败了,希望你能住在这与在KL做工

sean - 我真的很开心认识你,因为与你作朋友我有时真的很开心没,因为我可以看到与参与你的搞笑与欢乐,虽然我们整天都说你黑鬼但这是一个开玩笑的话题,有得罪并请原谅,如有一天你只真的成名为歌手请不要忘记我们 :'(

dylan - I am very hapy fren with u , u are my best fren forever becos u are frendly guy and can fun gao gao with me and always yamcha , we always say "u see plp yamcha de la " this is just a fun with u only , donwan put in heart sory about it ..besides that thx you group with me when any assignment , if i have rush you all pass up the thing and deisgn to me and make u all pressure at the time , please forgive me , becos i just think wan to do a best work only , sory ya .. kep in touch

mun - mun zai ( this is long time no say to u already , recently we also cal u ah mun , so chai , and ah loh and else ) but this is just a fun , wish you don mind .. if have any offend you last time just say sory here and forgv me .. very thx u always drive me , loong and sean back home after 8pm class and somtimes .. very very thx and paisei .. and thx you group with me while assigment time .. kep in touch

loong sean dylan mun we are 5heros, thx you all always group with me to do assigment and help me alot in presentation becos my eng so bad then u all just present that long de and make me easy , really thx u all , i wil remember we sing remix "ah cow" song and make up like funny look and present in dahlan class , this is impression in my life .. i wil remember kep in my heart forever ..u all really make me happy and enjoy my college life .. i hope u all also treat me as forever fren .. kep kep in touch gao gao ..

This clip i wil kep in my heart forever and so touch when saw it back .. very touch until cry

last time we no more close but stil remember in diploma , tat u are dancer and good in breakdance , this is my 1st impression on you .. thx you be our driver goto JJ and carrefour somtimes and hapy frend with u .. just kep in touch ya .. wait u open studio .. haha

Arsenal , yewhui , ah tou , ah ray , jia wei , ah jie
虽然我们不是很熟悉没有什么接触到,这真的有点后悔.. arsenal 的搞笑动作真的另我怀念,yewhui你的作品真的另我敬佩,你的style与我的要的style是同类型但我做不到,我也没有机会与你做出一个作品,可惜,ah ray 得空回gxm探望他们咯,ah tou ah jie jia wei 你们也是我的好clssmate,good luck with u all in future

ah kim , DG , ah sum , chong hua
虽然我们已有3年多的coursemate and classmate,但我与你们还不是很熟悉,但是你们也有在我的记忆卡里,ah kim 我是taman pertanian trip过后我才与你比较熟一点,但我觉得也有点迟了真的很可惜,老实说以前在班上我不是够胆与你说话与搞笑因为我看到你cool cool 的样子我怕得罪到你,但是我觉得现在认识的你与以前的你真的很不同,你却真的是个好谈的朋友,保持联络吧,DG你的photographic skill不错,你可往那而发展啦,ahsum and chong hua你们也好好的保重

Fish , joshua , steve , jie peng ,wong si fu
我永远记得到fish and steve 家吃肉骨茶,谢谢你们带我们去吃与玩乐两天.wch如果没记错你上次画给我的图画我还有受着当纪念,我觉得你也忘了吧,哈哈,jiepeng 我还记得以前你来我的家过夜与玩乐不错但现在也没机会了,我也搬去GK了哈哈,joshua 谢谢你教导我一些3D的东西让了解了一写teori.. fish 我还记得我和你比较熟是自从MUD的过后与加上借ptptn等待的时光,我也会记得,我也觉得很后悔当初没有与你们搞笑玩乐,有时候与你们真的有点开心,但这太迟了,也许170109的过去才发现原来我们大家在一起上课有多么的开心.. take k

ah cheong , ah lim , wei san , dai lou
i am very hapy and proud with u all calssmate and frend .. altough we all no more close but u all also are frendy and funny guy and gal actually.. i wil remember we all goto clubbing that day especially ah cheong and lim , and wei san dance .. dai lou sometimes u also have abit serious at class but hope can yamcha with u all and funny again la .. haha good luck

donwan drink more acohol and smoking becos no good for health de .. and good luck in ur event job in future la

mong fei , penny , camie , maliryn , rainbow ,cassie
mongfei得空的话就谈谈杰伦话题咯,哈哈不要把我忘记我也是杰伦的歌迷,谢谢你借你的珍藏版给我.其实你也是蛮好聊的一位朋友,不错,rainbow蓝波,我也很难叫你蓝波了,我也没有机会在班上看到你拉头发了,你们看到你傻乎乎的样子了,好想念你们=.= , camie我会记得你很厉害在O2jam的不用怕,哈哈,cassie , 谢谢你当我们的courserap 好几年,penny每天见到你我却说penny 不是戴佩妮真的有点搞笑但也没什么机会可以在你的面前说啦, maliryn 马里零你的翻译蛮好笑但希望你不要介意吧,你们要好好的保重哦,得空找我们大家喝茶聊天吧..

melvin ah mok weikiat henry
weikiat 你的scripting 真的另我佩服佩服,加油吧,你一定会有前途的,henry我还记得那天喝茶你讲的冷笑话给我们听.谢谢你的娱乐,ah mok and melvin 你我与你们还有点距离还不是很熟悉,但我知道melvin你的日文劲,ahmok 有空就约我们打羽球咯

if i no list ur name here , so sory becos i cant tahan crying when i write this alrady .. just take k and kep in touch , donwan forget me and have free please cal me and contact me yamcha , i wil forever remember that we all sing a song "frend" in new way , so touch .. bye bye AMLer

如果你有看到我这部落的话,那我真的很感动,我真的要说声百声谢谢给你,谢谢你的培养谢谢你的教导,你真的很用心去教导我们,使用你的真心来辅导我们栽培我们,我们是什么style 的设计你都能全都了知,你也教了我们蛮多年了(from dip. sem4 到现在)我也谢谢你当我们的fyp supervisor,从那我学习与进步的很多在我的skill 与常识,尤其是我的3D,真的很谢谢你,希望有空我们也能出来喝茶聊天..


thx you teach us and i wan to say , ur eng is very very pro ar.. very pressure to talk with u somtimes .. haha

altough u not my classmate but i also wil fresdback of you in my mind always .. u stil is me loong sean dylan mun are duckies group .. i wil kep in touch with u always .. don wory .. and i also stay in kl working , u also stay at KL .. have free come out yamcha with us lo.. wish next time yamcha we donknw see ur bad habit again ya .. take k and good luck

i make this slide show to us , wish u all wil enjoy and make a sweet memory of us ..
it just a simple only ..don mind it haha
u must take a long time becos many pic and loading slow
when i write this blog and create this flash , i also cry on it .. huh i am no use easy to cry


Dragon said...

ck , now i just know u ar my "bad fren" u do d flash , make my tear drop out !!! so bad lar u !!!

vertexdesign said...

ya i am bad fren but i just wan u all to remember me only ~ kep in touch with me as long as posible ..

Unknown said...

看到了我们唱k的片段, 我忍着不要看。。。但我还是看了,看到我俩搭着肩膀,唱着“朋友”, 我哭了。。。

我后悔, 我后悔干嘛我要在班上那么的安静,我后悔我没有和你们有更进一步的认识。。。


vertexdesign said...


藍空 said...


vertexdesign said...


Anonymous said...




vertexdesign said...

保持联络得空出来喝喝茶吹吹水,哈哈~ 你也加油,谢谢你教导我些3D..

winNie said...

pity old duck, donno cry how many times jor, so yam gong :p
we will always be 2gether geh, don worry!

*love + muackz*

Dragon said...

你不是一个过路客,你是我永远的好朋友好兄弟,好知己,好室友。。。只是太好,有点不好意识, gege